


The Primorsky Aquarium holds a grand celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Saturday, February 10. The event schedule includes: a concert of junior musicians, a mineral exhibition, popular science talks delivered by invited researchers, a tour of the research laboratories and a quiz trail demonstrating the magic of science and educating the visitors about outstanding Russian scientists.


The history of science in Russia started on January 28 (February 8, New Style), 1724, when Peter the Great issued a decree on the foundation of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, which became the progenitor of research activity in Russia. Owing to members of the Academy, a lot of observatories, museums, research laboratories and universities were created.


As the quotation from Arthur Clarke, a famous science fiction and science writer and presenter, says, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” The visitors to the Primorsky Aquarium will see all this magic of science and learn how the scientific laws and principles discovered by members of the Russian Academy of Sciences helped in developing current technologies and tools.


Event schedule:


10:30-11:30 — concert of young musicians from the Central Music School-Academy of Performing Arts “Primorsky”

Location: main hall

11:30; 12:00; 13:30; 14:00 — “Fascinating science”, tour over the research laboratories of the Primorsky Aquarium Shared Equipment Facility

Location: research laboratories of the Primorsky Aquarium Shared Equipment Facility, entrance through the Sea of Japan (East Sea) exhibit

11:30-12:30 — “Facets of Science”, popular science talks

Location: conference hall

 12:30-14:30 — “Magic of Science”, quiz trail through a series of learning stations

Location: exhibits of the Primorsky Aquarium


“Minerals in Everyday Life”, exhibition of the Geological Museum of the Far East Geological Institute

Location: art gallery at the entrance to the Dolphinarium

“Scientific Genii”, art workshop

Location: art gallery at the entrance to the Dolphinarium