


Join us for our “Experts in Science” celebration on April 20, 2024 dedicated to Environmental Literacy Day in Russia (April 15). The event mainly focuses on careers in environment-related sciences, and school students are our most welcome guests. However, it offers engaging activities for all ages.

You will meet our devoted environmental educators, aquarists and animal keepers, as well as scientific researchers from the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of the Peoples of Far-East and the Botanical Garden-Institute, Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEB RAS).

Become a member of the scientific community, visit our learning stations and workshops, learn from the invited speakers and role-play being a scientist, an explorer and an advocate of the Ocean.

Event schedule:

11:00 – 12:00

Meetings with the scientists from the FEB RAS scientific institutes

Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of the Peoples of Far-East, FEB RAS

Botanical Garden-Institute, FEB RAS

Location: Video theater in the Cretaceous Period section of the Evolution of Life in the Ocean exhibit



“Polar Snack”: penguin feeding and meeting with our ornithologist


Location: Polar World exhibit



“Dive Deep”: meeting with the Aquarium scuba diver (watch the dive and learn about diving equipment)


Location: Ocean Abyss exhibit



“Tracing Earth’s History” art workshop


Location: Art Gallery (in front of the entrance to Dolphinarium)


“Mysterious Fish” educational workshop


Location: Rivers and Lakes exhibit


12:00 -14:00

“Experts in Science” series of learning stations


Station 1. Expert in Life Behind the Glass (Job: Aquarist)


Location: Rivers and Lakes exhibit


Station 2. Expert in Feathered Things (Job: Ornithologist)


Location: Polar World exhibit


Station 3. Expert in Fins and Flippers (Job: Trainer of marine mammals)


Location: Northern fur seals tank, Sea of Japan/East Sea exhibit


Station 4: Expert in Cold Blooded (Job: Herpetologist)


Location: Tropical Rain Forest exhibit


Station 5. Expert in Ocean Depths (Job: Scuba Diver)


Location: Ocean Abyss exhibit


The event is included in the entrance fee to the Aquarium.