The access to the workspace and equipment of the Primorsky Aquarium Shared Equipment Facility (SEF) is rendered to the following persons: staff members of the Primorsky Aquarium and the Primorsky Aquarium SEF, researchers of the NSCMB FEB RAS and external users.
The full process of applying for the access is described in the GENERAL SERVICING POLICIES OF THE PRIMORSKY AQUARIUM SHARED EQUIPMENT FACILITIES .
If you have any questions, please, contact us.
Get started:
- Fill out the application form and send it to ckp@primocean.ru
- The application is considered by a person in charge within 5 working days and the decision on the acceptance or rejection of the application is provided to the applicant via email.
- When the application is accepted, the user and the SEF’s representative draw up and sign an equipment and facility use agreement or a service agreement.
When the work is done (or the services are rendered), the sides sign up the work completion certificate (the certificate of rendered services).